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Malta Ship Registry

Malta, from its strategic and central position on the major sea route in the Mediterranean, offers a wide range of international maritime facilities and services including an active and reputable International Ship and Yacht Register which currently ranks as the largest merchant flag in Europe and the sixth worldwide.

EU/EEA/CH/UK Citizens and Foreign Companies may register a vessel under the Malta Flag, but must appoint a resident agent in Malta – Flagport is a recognised Resident Agent.

The Malta Ship Registry completes the wide range of services that Maritime Malta can offer to the international shipping community.

Vessel registration under the Malta Flag is regulated by the Merchant Shipping Act, Cap.234, and as subsequently revised. These amendments introduced important measures for control and added safeguards for financiers.

All types of vessels, trading or under construction, as well as Yachts, Superyachts and Cruise Liners may be registered under the Malta Flag. Maltese Law also provides for bareboat charter registration.

Inspections are not necessary for vessels under 15 years, whereas vessels aged between 15 and 20 years may carry out an inspection within one month of provisional registration. 

Ships of 20 years and over but under 25 years, are required to pass an inspection by a state inspector prior to being provisionally registered. Malta is a party to most of the major IMO and ILO International Maritime Conventions.

The Malta ship registry offers a multitude of advantages:
  • The Malta Flag is a European Flag with a long maritime tradition.
  • Ranks 1st in Europe and 6th largest world-wide.
  • On the White List of the Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU.
  • Competitive ship registration and tonnage tax fees.
  • Progressive reduction in registration and tonnage tax for younger vessels.  
  • No restrictions on the sale or transfer of shares of a company owning Maltese ships
  • No restrictions on the sale and mortgaging of Maltese ships
  • Any legally constituted corporate bodies/entities irrespective of nationality are eligible to register under the Malta Flag.  
  • If the Ownership is to be under an individual’s name, then they should be an EU/EEA/British National.  
  • The Maltese legal system is reliable thus offering robust protection to financiers.
  • There are no restrictions on the nationality of Masters, Officers and Crew.
  • There are no trading restrictions on Maltese ships.
  • Straight forward and expeditious procedures for registration or deletion of vessels.

A professional and efficient maritime administration backed by a qualified and efficient team of technical officers available 24/7 for urgent matters.

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